In May we took the RV to a couple of state parks in Georgia. The first was High Falls State Park near Macon. As the name implies it has some falls and at one time a hydro-electric power plant.

Our site was right on a small river.

Since we were just over an hour from Atlanta, Micah, Hiro and Yoshi were able to join us and Micah successfully fished.

Yoshi helped Hiro cook pancakes for breakfast

and Bobbi cooked bacon.

They were on a larger river about a mile from us staying in a Yurt

which was really large and nice.

They were able to spend some time on the river in our inflatable kayak.

In addition to a hydro plant, the park at one time also had a grist mill

and there are still parts of the mill foundation visible.

There are lots of trails to hike

and enjoy the various waterfalls.

We had our evening meal outside

and Luna let us know it was time for s’mores.

Yoshi enjoyed roasting the marshmallows

and Luna hoped for some Graham Crackers with marshmallows but no chocolate.

Next we moved for another 3 days to Crooked River State Park in St. Marys, Georgia. Like most state parks, our site was big, with no neighbors close, but our site could have used some more shade.

There were a lot of nice trails and the temperatures were very pleasant.

Luna made friends, or at least tried to, with a bunny

and a turtle.

St Marys is a neat little town that at one time was busy with shipping but today it is mainly a tourist town and food/drink for sailors and contractors from Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base.

And there was a nice waterfront park

where Bobbi relaxed after lunch

and then from the pier,

Luna could observe the herons